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Move from simple “visions” of the future to new realities and expanded potential. Strategy is more than a static strategic plan or action plan. It is an integrated set of motivations, capacities, resources, tactics, and actions leading to tangible change.

Direction to Action

How do we turn strategic direction into tangible actions?

Building on consensus, less management ‘control’ and more incentive to innovate, lead teams towards a bias to act: ideation, prototyping, adapting and iterating. We help teams to lean in and try stuff while recognizing the nested systems in play, continuously designing and refining purposeful co-creations along the way – within a principled strategic direction! We have also developed a unique framework and set of tools to help organizations make better day-to-day decisions and build cohesive and connected teams that can pursue the directions established by strategic plans.

Planning Process Design

How can people make collaborative – yet strategic – decisions that lead to shared futures?

Clear and inspiring ways of engaging groups and communities in shared discovery is key to realizing a strategy’s success. We provide clearly structured frames and processes; enabling consensus on shared plans and priorities. We tailor our processes to your needs, from facilitated management team meetings and executive coaching, to Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology and World Café, all converging on collaboration and empowerment.

Innovations & Co-creations

How do we create fertile ground for creativity to flourish?

With the envisioned strategic direction in mind, we use generative approaches to creatively – and collectively – brainstorm more specific challenges, designs and innovations. Collaborative and iterative methods help bridge the gap from creativity, ideation and experimentation to tangible, meaningful and prioritized actions. Adaptation and iterations never end, so the strategic direction continues to provide a useful compass.

Key Services – Strategy:

  • Process design, facilitation and synthesis reports (‘for coordinated meetings from 4 to 400 participants’).
  • Facilitated visioning and ‘backcasting’ implications.
  • Collaborative strategy development, strategic advice, prioritization.
For more services, refer to Our Services. >>